Government Contracting work on several projects across the Full Stack. Projects are rapidly developed, so communication and organization is key. Many of my projects include but are not limited to Angular SPA Frontends, Django REST Framework Backends with Lambda functions,Fully Serverless backends, Load and Security testing, and Data Pipelines involving complex and intense data.
November 2020 - PresentFull Stack Engineer focusing on secure applications that utilize React frontends and Go backends
September 2020 - November 2020I volunteer my Saturdays to help high school students learn about the design and development of robots by teaching them about software design, algorithms, and electronics integrations. FIRST was what helped guide me to pursue computing as a career, so this is my way of giving back to the community.
January 2020 - PresentFull Stack Developer working with various tech stacks to develop the right application for the right situation. Involves client interaction, quoting, and deciding what tech will work best for the project. As a result, the range of technology used is expansive.
July 2019 - July 2020Bachelor's of Science and Engineering in Computer Engineering
May 2019Worked on now unavailable web and server applications using Django as a server framework/static site server, and React with SSR through Django.
December 2018 - June 2019Senior Capstone project that consisted of an Angular frontend and Django backend that would utilize consumers Google Calendars and find optimal meeting times between meeting participants.
September 2018 - May 2019Developed Robotic Operations Software and Hardware for an educational robot that would give children a more immersive learning experience. Used C/C++ for drivers, Python for Web Server.
April 2018 - November 2018Worked with Computer Science and Media Arts students to develop an app that provided a historical map of the Ward One Community of Columbia, SC. It provides historical context on the lives of people who lived in the community before the University acquired the communities' land.
January 2018 - June 2018Through the Magellan Scholarship, I was able to develop an iPad application with Unity, with plans to expand to Android tablets, that would help monitor the audiation of a three year old to better develop their musical understanding later in life.
May 2017 - May 2018Provided additional instruction/study sessions for students with plans constructed by myself. Sessions would be provided three times per week, and wouldcover material lectured that week as well as real-world examples of concepts.
August 2016 - May 2019